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Toe to Heel Reflexology Prices

Reflexology and Vacuflex

60 Minutes $100 

Reflexology endeavours to treat the root cause of disease, not the symptoms. The techniques are designed to keep each body systems balanced, to enable the body to operate at peak efficiency.

PSYCH-K® Session

60 Minutes $150 

PSYCH-K® provides a variety of safe and effective ways to “rewrite the software of the mind” by changing beliefs that limit you into beliefs that support you.

Step Flex Orthotics

$440 Free Fitting

The foot has three arches forming a tripod.  Step Flex supports and helps bring these arches back into optimum performance. Correct your foot misalignment and stand with a more upright posture.

Australian Bush Flower Essences

With Reflexology $10 

Bush Flower Essence Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. 

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Nurture Your Body & Mind with a personalised Reflexology session with Jane

Toe to Heel Reflexology Testimonials


Jenni Grace

I can’t wait to go for my sessions with Jane at Toe to Heel! 🤗 Not only has Jane greatly helped with all my physical aches and pains but she has also helped me so much with emotional issues that are connected to the physical ones. Jane is extremely knowledgeable on how the body functions and what is causing the problems we have - often nothing to do with the area we are having pain in! She amazes me with how she knows just the right spot to rub and the pain somewhere else stops! I love our interesting chats while I am there and especially love lying back snuggled under a warmed doona with a heat pack around my neck while she works on my feet and sorts out all my problems! 💜🌻
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